May 26th Walking in the Spirit
Bible Reading: Gal 5:17; Ps 25:4,5
Gal 5:16 ‘I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.’
In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus reprimanded His disciples for sleeping in His moment of temptation. He told them that the Spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. This shows that there will always be a fight between the flesh and the Spirit. The Spirit operates in the love of God and the flesh operates in lust.
The lust of the flesh is a longing or strong desire for something forbidden. It is this lust that has caused many people to get into trouble. We must follow after God and not the desires of the flesh. The flesh includes our carnal thinking and processes, which can only be changed by the renewing of our minds by the Word of God.
To walk in the Spirit we need to learn the ways of the Spirit. When a bank wants to teach its staff about spotting fraudulent bank notes they arrange for them to sit with the authentic notes for hours on end. You are able to spot the fraudulent ones by acquainting yourselves with the original. It’s the same in the Spirit. The more we associate ourselves with the ways of the Spirit, the more we will discern the right way from the wrong way.
Your Spirit will be tuned to pick up on temptations when they come and then the next step is to resist. The bible encourages us to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee.
There are two sources of temptations given in the Bible (1) our own desires or lusts and (2) the devil.
May you remain strong in the day of temptation and yield only to the Holy Spirit.
• Lord, lead me away from temptation. Mt 6:13
• Lord, strengthen my faith in the day of adversity. Lk 22:31
Thought for the day:
Greater is He that’s in me than he that is in the world.

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