Glory House Churches International
July Fasting and Prayer
‘Fresh Oil for Your Lifting’
Ps. 92:10-11

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• Praise God for 6months of provision, protection, preservation and His plans for your unhindered progress. Ps. 116:12-14; Jer. 30:19
• Ask for fresh oil for a new beginning; declare unusual encounters and divine favour in the next 6months of 2016. Ps. 92:10-11; Is. 43:18-20
• Command daily empowerment and grace to pursue God’s plans and purposes for your life, family and church. Ps. 92:10-11; 2 Pt. 1:3-4
• Pray that Jesus be lifted high in GH for all people (family, colleagues, neighbours etc) to see and be drawn to Him. Jn. 12:32; Is. 2:1-2
• Rebuke weariness, frustrations, fears; brokenness; oppressions and depression hindering your progress. 1 Pt. 5:9; 2 Cor. 10:4-5
• Proclaim, ‘I will not lack oil, your cup will not run dry, but will experience daily overflow of power and wisdom for success’. Ps. 23:5; Eccl. 9:8
• Pray for a fresh baptism of praise over you & the church, a new sound from heaven for a new outpouring of the Spirit. Is. 61:3; Acts 2:2
• Lord, anoint me for greater dimensions of living with undeniable progress & to become unstoppable & unbeatable. 1 Kg. 18:46; Ezek. 2:2
• Pray that multitudes be delivered from darkness, sin, occultism and all satanic deceptions to serve Jesus. Is. 9:2; Rom. 8:21-22
• Travail and destroy the spirit of infirmity, chronic sickness; declare sound health, divine healing and total wellbeing Jer. 30:17; Is. 27:10
• Declare this as the season for UK’s lifting, peace, prosperity & progress ahead of Brexit. Resist satanic attempts to hijack. Ps. 122:6; Mat. 6:10
• Ask God to appoint leaders over our nations, business, schools that are upright & walk with divine wisdom. 1 Tim. 2:1-3; Dan. 2:20-21
• Pray that all members of GH be anointed as joyful and fruitful soul winners, filled with great compassion for souls. Jn. 15:16; Mk. 6:34
• Pray for fresh anointing on Pastor, GH leadership for effective ministry and destroy all demonic attempts on their lives. Acts 4:33; 1 Pt. 5:8-9
• Evict the spirit of selfishness, hatred, and discord; ask for the spirit of love & unity for families & all members of GH. Phil. 1:9; Pro. 10:12
• Say, ‘NO’ to any assignment of death, stagnation and limitation in your life; AWAKE & come ALIVE by the Holy Spirit. Rom. 8:11; Ps. 80:7, 18
• Ask for the spirit of revelation for wealth creation, witty invention, and economic security against famine. 1 Cor. 2:11; Deut.29:29
• Ask God to anoint your eyes to see hidden treasures appointed for your prosperity and lifting in 2016. Rev. 3:18; Jer. 33:3
• Declare, ‘I enter July with Thanksgiving; I progress daily with a joyful heart and prevail by the oil of gladness!’ Ps. 100:4; Is. 55:12; Is. 61:3

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