Life’s Dreams

Post by Dr Albert Odulele Earlier this year, but for the mercy of God, I could have been involved in a plane crash. As anyone would expect, the experience made me view life differently and re-evaluate my dreams.For many of us, our dreams may be for financial independence while for others it could be health…


Curative prescriptions to mental maladies

A person is ultimately the summation of cheap cialis soft his/her thoughts 3 John 2. You have the responsibility and ability to pay attention to and limit, minimise, and eradicate damaging thoughts. Here are medications against 13 mental maladies. 1. Complaining and Mourning Numbers 14:29-30. 2. Depression and Despair Psalms 42:5 3. Self-defacement and Inferiority…


Confession For Congratulations

1.I am healthy & strong. Sickness, weakness, disease & infirmity have no place in me; my body is the temple of God and I will be satisfied with long life. I command every strange, sudden, sapping, shrinking, shameful, suffocating satanic sickness to depart from my household in the name of Jesus. I receive covenant health.…
