Apr. 12th Gifts Of Love

Apr. 12th              Gifts Of Love Bible Reading:     Ps. 107:22; 116:17   Lev. 22:29 ‘and when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord, offer it of your own free will’ You cannot truly render thanks and praise without bringing God free will unsolicited offerings. Money and gifts represent the endeavours of life…


Apr. 11th Clap and Shout

Apr. 11th              Clap and Shout Bible Reading:     Ps. 47:1; 35:27; Josh. 6:5   Ps. 47:5 ‘God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet’ God will never ask for what isn’t in your power to give. Deut. 16:17 says ‘every man shall give as he is able,…


Apr. 10th Sing And Dance

Apr. 10th              Sing And Dance Bible Reading:     Ps. 100:2; 150:4; 1 Sam. 6:12-15; Josh. 1:3   Is. 35:10 ‘and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away’ ‘Come to…


Angels On Assignment

Praise God forevermore! About a week and a half ago, I lost my wallet and could not locate it despite searching everywhere. While ministering the following Sunday, Pastor shared how he commanded angels to restore his missing flash drives. I believed that the same angelic ministry was available to me just like Pastor testified. My…


An Overflow

An Overflow My partner and I started coming to Glory House January this year through a friend’s invitation. We have always loved God and were already established in a church prior to this time, but something about Glory House kept us coming back till it became our church. My partner had an unexplainable liver problem.…


Accommodation Sorted!

I want to appreciate the one that sits on the throne and makes the earth His footstool; the awesome GOD; the Father that is always there for His children. Since I came into London, I have been looking for a church in which the Truth and the Spirit of God dwell and since I joined…


Abundant Blessing and Uncommon miracle

Brethren I am thanking God for allowing me to know Him more than ever before, as well as knowing the importance of paying tithe and inviting people to the church. In August 2013, God turned my agency job to a sessional contract and later upgraded it to a permanent position. I give God all the…


Abigail Model of the month

Our model of the month is Abigail. The bible describes her as a woman of good understanding and a beautiful countenance. In other words not only did her beauty speak for but her brains did too ( she had Brains and beauty) This is something worth emulating as a lady. Let both your beauty and…


A simple matter of the heart

Post Written by Pastor Nathan Curtis A simple matter of the heart Pro 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger I heard a story about a Pastor who went to visit an elderly lady who had not been able to go to church for a while. He got…


A Grateful Heart

Today I just want to thank God for his love and his grace and mercy. I thank you Father for keeping me and my family this year. Early summer I fell very sick and went into hospital with difficulty breathing and a stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. I couldn’t walk or sit comfortably. Whenever…
