Feb. 10th I See Clearly

Feb. 10th I See Clearly Bible Reading: Gen. 12:1-4; 13:14-15 Heb. 11:27 ‘by faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible’ The journey of faith begins with what you see, your sight. As is often said ‘your sight determines your height’. You cannot…


Fasting Guide

FASTING INSTRUCTIONS Ps. 80:3, 7, 19; Joel 2:25-26; Is. 58:3-11, 13-14   Fast Instructions: Date: 10th – 30th January 2015; daily  (21 days) Time: 00 midnight  – 5.00pm daily Fast: Meals; Food; Snacks  (may drink water) Prayer: Use GHCI daily prayer points   (home, transit, work breaks, etc) Caution: Feed your spirit    (and starve…



 FAITH IN FULL TECHNICOLOR   Today the level of my faith moves away from black and white and the so evasive grey. My faith turns into full technicolour as fashioned by my Creator. I move to another realm that may seem crazy and even perhaps undignified. This is the faith that will change everything about…



Today the level of my faith moves away from black and white and the so evasive grey. My faith turns into full technicolour as fashioned by my Creator. I move to another realm that may seem crazy and even perhaps undignified. This is the faith that will change everything about me. This is the faith…



CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE – 21st December 2016 : A Special Christmas Carol Service Featuring Rehoboth Drama Group, Out Of Zion Choir Time: 7pm   CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE – 25th December 2016: A Special 2 hour Service, where we remember the reason for the season, there will be mince pies and hot drinks available. Time: 10am…


Dr Titilola Osoba on safeguarding the mind

Ladies this month we have Dr Titilola Osoba on safeguarding the mind. Ladies you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are a Spirit, you have a Soul and lives in a Body. Your Soul consists of your mind, emotions and will. Your mind is the battleground, your mind can either make or break you, hence…


Dr Albert Odulele to Minister in East Africa

Sunday (7am – 4am GMT) Pastor Albert Odulele will be ministering on East Africa’s live Largest TV Network. (8am-5am GMT) Pastor Albert will be at the 2nd Largest studio in Kenya followed by service which starts at 9am-6am GMT. (12 noon – 9am GMT) will be returning to TV studio’s to minister on TV for…


Divine Seperation & Settlement: Janaury Prayer Point 2017

Divine Separation & Settlement January Prayer & Fasting 1 Pet. 5:10; Ex. 14:20 Monday Praise God for being the shield, salvation, supply, support and security for you and your family.     Ps. 3:3; Ps. 18:46 Declare; ‘Today, I (house, church etc) become a spiritual Goshen, secure from evil, plague or devastation. Ex. 8:22-23; Ps. 91:10…


Divine Direction!

I perceived that the Lord God was instructing me to do something but I didn’t have an idea of what it was. At the ‘Impartation Service’ of ‘Change of Dimensions’ I told God that I change dimensions and therefore understand fully His vision for me. As pastor Albert anointed me with oil my eyes just…


Divine Direction – Pastor Alfredo

Divine Direction (Growing Spiritually Towards the Whole Measure of the Fullness of Christ)   Introduction: To understand and experience the guidance of the Holy Spirit we must first keep in mind that man is a spirit being that has a soul and lives in a human body. It is through the human spirit that the…
