June. 16th Boost Your Prayers II

June. 16th Boost Your Prayers II Bible Reading: Lk. 1:45; Jam. 1:6-8 Mk. 11:23-24 ‘for assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he…


I Won!

There are so many testimonies I could write about the blessings of the Lord. I have been meaning to write a testimony for a long time and I thought this weekend’s events would give others strength. As a bit of background, I compete for Great Britain in the Long Jump event. I know my profession…


If Jesus says yes, nobody can say no!

I bought a Tablet for my 9 year old for Christmas. It was a delight for us both (mum and daughter) as it kept her quiet for long stretches of time. I always read my bible on my IPad and she wanted a bible on her tablet too. So I bought her a bible for…


If God says it, He will do it!

On Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, I gave birth to our third son through elective caesarean. The devil tried all he could whilst they where preparing me for the surgery but as God would have it, against all the odds, I came out victorious, and my baby and I were declared fine at end of the…


Immigration Issue resolved

In Joshua 1:3 and Deuteronomy 11:24 it says “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you and shall be yours. In 2009 I put in an application to the Home Office and within 8 days I was granted a residents card. I was overwhelmed even my lawyer, who…


It is over!

I haven’t had the easiest life, and my childhood and teenage years were filled with many trials and tribulations. But thank God for his everlasting love and divine protection. I was able to finish compulsory education and move on to university where I graduated in 2012. Since then, it felt as if my life went…


It was just GOD!

I just want to thank God for His help during a recent job interview. The Interview, I felt, went really badly and afterwards, I was feeling down. At church the next day Pastor talked about how we should give thanks to God at all times and I took this message on board and began to…


PART II: Flight of faithfulness

Turbulence means a state of conflict or confusion or a violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some other fluid. This eddying motion of the atmosphere that interrupts the flow of life makes most people nervous. This is the very state that my family went through, with many difficult transitions. My family and…


Nothing is Impossible with God

On the 4th of March 2014, I received a letter regarding my daughter’s secondary school placement. She did not get her first choice of school, which she really wanted, and she found the letter very upsetting. It made me cry for days because of the added fact that it was the school that we were…
