Week II     June 8th – 14th     Greater Dimensions VII
‘Power Of Your Decisions I’
Bible Reading:
Deut. 30:19-20 ‘I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them’
Covenant Teaching:
Life is a string of decisions and strictly a matter of ‘cause and effect’. Irrespective of ‘where’ or ‘what’ you are in life, a set of decisions took you there. However the truth is no matter how messed up a life is, it’s a mere decision or string of decisions away from major change.
[Lk. 15:12-13, 18]
With every decision you make, you’re either ‘building’ up or ‘breaking’ down your destiny. An all-important question is what’s the ‘quality’ of your past decisions and what factors ‘determined’ them? In addition, ‘indecision’ is no escape as its’ merely a ‘decision’ not to decide and life makes daily demands for decisions.
[1 Sam. 17:11, 31-32]
The difference between success and failure or wealth and poverty is the decision that informed them. Every Christian has the same covenant. I tell people that the ‘trajectory’ of ‘prophecy’ is in the ‘positivity’ of their decisions. Until you decide for prophecy, you’ll never make the needed choices for destiny.
[Rom. 10:12-13]
You are a ‘decision’ away from a great ‘transformation’ and a ‘choice’ away from mighty ‘change’. It’s not the many things one does that matter but the one thing done based on a great decision. Decide for consistent love, touching lives, godliness, prayerfulness, service, hard work, etc.
[Jam. 2:17; Josh. 24:15]
You cannot succeed or excel beyond your choices. ‘Choice’ comes before ‘commitment’, ‘creativity’, ‘concentration’ and ‘conquest’. See, even God respects our choices and created us as free-will entities. As long as your choices are not contrary to God’s covenant you will enjoy His backing.
[Deut. 30:19]
Your choices are as potent as God’s calling. This year is a space in time dense with divine intention. It’s another opportunity for God’s visitations and manifestations accompanying your qualitative decisions. Whatever you do, chose to love God and follow after His voice.
[Deut. 30:20]

  1. Abraham made up his mind to leave Haran 12:1-4
  2. David chose to confront Goliath 1 Sam. 17:32
  • Daniel decided to pray and worship openly 6:10
  1. Solomon willingly gave a thousand offerings 1 Kg. 3:4
  2. Jesus deliberately gave Himself on the Cross 22:42

Isaac made a decision to sow in a famine, which turned out to be a life transforming one. He made an uncommon choice that produced unusual results. Have you made any ‘insightful’ decisions lately that promise ‘incredible’ outcomes?
[Gen. 26:1, 12-14]

  1. Thank God for His table of provision and goodness despite all the enemies around

[Ps. 23:5]

  1. Declare spiritual growth and maturity to the Body of Christ in your church and nation

[Eph. 4:15]

  • Decree that Glory House enters a new season of joy, peace and progress

[Is. 61:3]

  1. Stand against diabolical agendas against believers, your city and the nation at large

[Mat. 28:18]

  1. Pray God’s great grace for ministry, career and financial exploits abounds towards the church.

[Neh. 8:10]

  1. Proclaim the sounds of victory and triumph emanate from Glory House

[Ezra 3:13; Ps. 28:15]

  • Pray for spiritual understanding of the times and seasons for the Body of Christ

[Eph. 1:17-19]
Thought for the week:
‘Pay attention to decisions and experience ascension’

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